Voyager Academy Middle School News, Aug. 12, 2022


Hi Middle School Families, 

Wow, what a great week we’ve had!  I am so proud of all of our students.  They were certainly happy to see their friends and they settled in quickly as the teachers were prepared and ready for Day 1.  The learning began on the first day of school.  We received several  new students to Voyager and I am so proud of how our students helped our new students orient to Voyager. 

Want to know more about your child’s classroom????  Add these dates to your calendar and plan to attend  Curriculum Night—-

4th Grade Curriculum Night, Aug. 24, 6:00, Virtual, teachers will send a zoom link.

5th Grade Curriculum Night, Aug. 23, 6:15, Virtual, teachers will send a zoom link.

6th Grade Curriculum Night, Aug. 22, 5:30, Virtual, teachers will send a zoom link.

7th Grade Curriculum Night, Aug. 17, 6:00, In Person at school

8th Grade Curriculum Night, Aug. 23, 5:30, Virtual, teachers will send a zoom link. 

FALL PICTURES - yes, it’s already time for Fall Pictures.  A member of the staff at Strawbridge will be our photographer.  He will start at 8:30.  You should receive a flyer attached to an envelope.  Please send  the envelope with payment  back to school. 

Carline— Wow, what a great job you all are doing to ensure that the carline is safe and the process is well done and moves quickly. This week carlines have been the best we’ve had. 

Morning:  Morning carline begins at 7:45 and ends at 8:15.  Your child/student needs to be in the class by 8:15.  If not, the student will be marked tardy. At 8:15 your student/child will need to enter through the front door and will need to get a tardy pass to take to the homeroom teacher. Please note that classroom instruction begins at 8:15 which means entering the classroom late disrupts the class and the teacher. 

Afternoon:   Make sure your BLUE CARD is on the driver’s side windshield every afternoon and that your number is on the card. .  When we have to look up numbers, it slows down the process. Please make sure your numbers on the blue card are large and written with a marker so they can be read from a distance. 

FIRE DRILL - If you child/student shared that we had a Fire Drill on Thursday, he/she is correct.  We have a monthly drill.  Our students were terrific as they exited the building correctly and were very quiet on the field.  Great job by our students and teachers!

Bring Your Own Device:  For the 2022-2023 school year we asked that 6th, 7th, and 8th graders Bring Their Own Device to School. 

BYOD stands for “Bring Your Own Device”. It is a strategy for providing personal computing in business and education where the end user (employee, student), as opposed to the organization, provides, owns, and maintains his/her own device. It is typical in universities and colleges, and is gaining in popularity in K-12 education and businesses.     

  Daily Expectations        Access to a computer is essential to learning at Voyager Academy. The student’s personal device is considered an essential school supply, just as pencils and paper traditionally have been. Students are required to be prepared at the start of each school day with their fully-charged and functional devices. This is considered a part of being prepared to learn. As with all technology at Voyager Academy, students are required to follow the Acceptable Use Policy and the Ethical Use Policy when using their personal devices.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me. I will respond as soon as possible. 


Middle School Principal

919-433-3301   ext. 101