NEWS FROM ELEMENTARY: The faculty and staff of Voyager would like to wish you and your family a happy holiday season. The following announcements will be helpful for you and your family for the week of December 19-21.
The OFFICIAL newsletter of Voyager Academy High School in Durham, NC
Voyager Academy Middle School News, Dec. 16, 2022
Hi Middle School Families,
Wow, another busy week!
We are noticing an uptick in cases of various symptoms and illnesses, especially flu, among our students especially in 7th grade. COVID cases are increasing in Durham and flu cases are also exceptionally high in our surrounding community. If your child is complaining of not feeling well before the school day starts, please keep them home for further monitoring and have them remain home until they are feeling well enough to actively participate in learning during the school day. **PLEASE REMEMBER - if your child is on a sports team or extracurricular activity and did not attend school that day (or went home early) due to illness, they should NOT attend their practice, game, event, or competition.**
Voyager Academy High School News, Dec. 16, 2022
In this issue...
New this week:
- Final Exam Schedule
- Voyage into Service
- A Winter Concert To Remember
Recent news items and resources for students and families:
- Yearbooks On Sale NOW!!
- It's time for SENIOR ADS! (For the Yearbook)
- In Search Of Items For Art Class
- Let's Go to Spain
- 10th -12th Grade students: What's your Dream Job?
- Scholarship Newsletter
- Viking Christian Fellowship (VCF)'s Weekly Meeting
- Join the Voyager Academy PTSO (Parent/Teacher/Student/Organization)
Great ways to stay in touch…
- Stay Up To The Minute On How Your VAHS Student Is Doing In Each Class
- The Voyager Academy High School Website
- VAHS Counseling Department Blog
- Parents and Students: Sign up to receive "Remind" text messages from VAHS
- Subscribe to the 2022-23 Voyager Academy Parent Calendar
- Important Dates