We have had a terrific week!! Students and staff have eagerly gotten back into our daily school routines after the holiday break! It is nice to have Mrs. Majewski, our Science teacher, back from maternity leave. However, we so appreciate Mrs. Nathan and all her hard work while Mrs. Majewski was out with her baby.
Don’t forget that Monday, January 15 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and there will be no school for staff or students.
Our K – 12 School Improvement Team has been discussing how to increase our school spirit school wide. In the past, we have had College Day on Thursday and Voyager Day on Friday. The College Day Thursdays are days that all staff, students, and parents can wear their favorite college apparel. Also, some of you may have noticed that beside classroom and office doors, our staff has posted small signs stating where they attended college/university. We hope these activities will promote great conversations about different colleges and college attendance, especially with our middle school and high school students.
Last, but not least, every Friday is Voyager Spirit Day! Wear your Voyager apparel and/or your school colors (red, white, and blue) to show school spirit and pride!!
To expand our empathy initiative and to connect with our K – 3 empathy book, Only One You, for the rest of the school year, we will randomly choose 6 to 7 staff members every two weeks out of a hat and highlight how they are “making the world a better place”. Our hope is that staff, students, and parents will write a kind note to a highlighted staff member. The notes will be displayed on the bulletin board in the first grade hallway across from the science room. We will have blank note cards in a folder attached to the bulletin board and classroom teachers will also have note cards. So, if you want to write a kind message, please contact your child’s teacher or you may come and take one from the bulletin board.
“Only One You” Highlighted Staff from January 15 – January 26:
- Wendy Ferrara, Speech Katie Green, K Teacher
- Emily Wilder, K TA
- Tia Boney, Afterschool & Enrichment Director
- Lauren Lane, 2nd Grade Teacher
- Kristin Sawyer, 2nd Grade Teacher
- Catherine Quick, 3rd Grade Teacher
Please remember that we will follow the DPS inclement weather advisories including delays, closures, and early dismissals. So, if DPS is closed, we will be closed. If DPS has a two hour delay, we will have a two hour delay. If DPS, has an early release due to inclement
weather, we will dismiss early too. If you see that DPS is closed, delayed, or releasing early and you have not seen something for Voyager, know that we will be doing the same thing as DPS. We will post these on our website, send a school connects messages, and we will also send a REMIND text, as soon as we can.
Leslie Paynter
VAES Principal
Viking Troupers is a performing arts group that meets weekly Please see the attached flyer to learn more about Viking Troupers and how to get your 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th grader signed up! Visit: www.VAMSDrama.com for more information!
KYRAN ANDERSON ACADEMY (click here for more details)
Program Overview
Kyran Anderson Academy is a one-week summer enrichment program for rising third through sixth graders designed to enhance students’ enthusiasm and preparation for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with a particular emphasis on reaching underserved and students historically underrepresented in STEM disciplines. Students actively discover the wonder of STEM through inquiry-based activities, field trips, presentations, and career exploration activities with STEM professionals.
3rd – 6th
June 11
– June 15, 2018; 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(rising 3rd-6th) will be introduced to systems of the human body with
experiments and activities designed to build their foundational knowledge of
science underpinning the complex human health systems. All programming will
take place at The Science House on NCSU’s campus
Registration Schedule
Registration Schedule
- Pre-Registration from January 8th-29th. Apply Now!
- Complete the online application by February 12th.
- Receive notification of acceptance or waitlist status by March 17th.
- Submit Payment by April 13th.
- Attend Mandatory Orientation Wednesday, May 9th, 2018; 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
is $100. Limited scholarships are available.
Pamela O. Gilchrist, Ph.D., Program Director (pogilchr@ncsu.edu)

Jan. 15
Martin Luther King,
Jr. Holiday
Jan. 17 - Feb. 7
K - 3 mClass MOY
Feb. 1
Jump Rope for Heart
Assembly @ 2:00 PM
Feb. 7
VAES Tour K – 3 @ 8:30
Feb. 7 - 14
Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 12 – Feb. 16
PTO Teacher
Appreciation Week
Feb. 15
K & 1st Grade
Project Celebration @ 5:30 PM
Feb. 16
3rd Grade Project
Celebration @ 11:00 AM & 2nd Grade @ 1:00 PM
Feb. 16
PTO Family Dance
Feb. 19
Required Teacher
Workday/Inclement Weather Make-up Day
Feb. 20 - 23
1st – 3rd
Grade Case 21 2nd Math Benchmark Assessment
Feb. 23
End of 2nd Trimester
Mar. 5
2nd Trimester Report cards
to go home
Mar. 8
K – 12 Voyager Lottery-5:00 PM @
MS Gym
Mar. 12 & 13
Required Teacher Workdays/Inclement Weather Make-up Days
Mar. 14
VAES Tour for K – 3 Admitted
Students @ 11:15 AM