Dear VAMS Families,
Hello to all Middle School families,
One more week and the first quarter is over! I am so proud of the work our students are doing. Please make sure you have your child (children) share their learning with you. Making it part of your evening routine will help you know what is happening in the classrooms.
Supporting Our Wilmington Neighbors:
This weekend one of our high school teachers will travel to Wilmington to deliver the donations Voyager has received. She will also make an additional trip to Wilmington during Fall Break. THANK YOU for the support you have provided our neighbors to the east of us. It’s heartbreaking to see all the damage in the eastern counties of North Carolina. Again, thanks for your support!
Conference Day
It was great to see so many of you on Conference Day. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with your child’s teacher(s) to hear about your child’s success during the first nine weeks and/or the areas that need some support or additional work.
Fall Pictures
October 29 is the make-up day for Fall Pictures.
Voyager’s Silent Auction
If you could not attend the Silent Auction planning meeting and are willing to help with the Silent Auction, please email Mr. Eisenson at We appreciate all help! The Silent Auction is scheduled for Feb. 23 and will be held at Umstead Pines. Please put the date on your calendar!!!!!!!
Menchie's Frozen Yogurt has agreed to partner with Voyager for this entire school year and now we have Viking Fro-Yo Fridays! Menchie's will donate 20% of every order to Voyager and the PTO.
. ![Macintosh HD:Users:gwenjohnson:Desktop:Voyager Academy Froyo Fridays[3400].pdf](
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 1 Cross Country at East Wake
Tuesday, Oct. 2 Soccer vs Henderson Colligate
Tuesday, Oct. 2 Girls’ Tennis vs Roxboro Community
Tuesday, Oct. 2 ACT (Advancing Character Together) Time
Wednesday, Oct. 3 Volleyball vs Trinity School of Durham/Chapel Hill
Wednesday, Oct. 3 Soccer vs Trinity School of Durham/Chapel Hill
Wednesday, Oct. 3 6th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, Oct. 3 Voyager Spirit Night at Freddie’s
Thursday, Oct.4 Volleyball at home
Thursday, Oct. 4 7th Grade Climate Project
Thursday, Oct. 4 Soccer vs Oxford Prep
Friday, Oct. 5 End of Quarter One
Friday, Oct. 5 7th Grade Field Trip
Friday, Oct. 5 Voyager’s Night at Menchini’s
If you have questions, please ask! You may always email me at ( or call me!
Gwen Johnson
Middle School Principal