The first quarter at the middle school has been awesome. I have been extremely impressed with our Viking Scholars. They come to school prepared and ready to learn. Our students show much interest in our core values and often acknowledge students who are displaying one of the values - empathy, integrity, reflection, confidence, and curiosity. In addition to the academics and core values, we continue to discuss bullying. Bullying is not acceptable at the middle school and if reported it is handled appropriately. Remember sometimes behaviors are mean behaviors rather than bullying!
News from Nate Rice of the Voyager Athletics Department
Hello parents-
If you have a child interested in participating in a winter or spring sport, please make sure to verify that the steps below are complete.
- Obtain a physical and return form to High School front desk, Attn: Mr. Harris and Mr. Rice.
- Complete concussion form and return to High School front desk.
Complete Online Forms and add the sport(s) your child plans to participate in.
If your child participated in a 2018 fall sport, please verify that the physical on file has not expired (valid for one year form exam date) and add desired winter/spring sport(s) to the online forms by editing your previous account. The concussion form and online forms are valid for the entire 2018-19 school year.
All forms must be complete and on file BEFORE your child can start tryouts or any sports activity.
Climate Change Presentations by 7th Graders
What do you know about climate change, ozones, and the greenhouse? If you need to know more, please contact one of our 7th graders who have become experts in climate change!
Tennis Team
Our girls’ tennis team had a terrific season. We were fortunate to have several returning players as well as some newcomers. The team was awesome as they cheered on their team members. The team will be in tournament play after Fall Break.
Cross Country
Our cross country team also had a terrific season! We continue to be at the top of the pack in our scores. It’s amazing to watch our runners and how they never give up no matter how hot and tired! There were several meets that we had students place in the first five positions – boys and girls!
I have been so impressed with our soccer team. Not only are they terrific athletes, they are terrific students. They worked hard on and off the field. The boys always played with determination and heart. More importantly, they always displayed the Viking way. They represented Voyager well in each of their games. The team ended the season with a 9-0-1 record. The tournament is on the way!
It has been a rebuilding year for our girls’ volleyball team. They continue to grow as individual athletes and as a team. The girls have played hard and tough. It has been exciting to watch them play as well as observe their Viking spirit!
Fall Play – Coming soon-----information about Fall Play and Spring Musical. Be on the look out as we will share info very soon! You do not want to miss these shows!
Fall Pictures
October 29 is the make-up day for Fall Pictures.
Voyager’s Silent Auction
If you could not attend the Silent Auction planning meeting and are willing to help with the Silent Auction, please email Mr. Eisenson at We appreciate all help! The Silent Auction is scheduled for Feb. 23 and will be held at Umstead Pines. Please put the date on your calendar!
Menchie's Frozen Yogurt has agreed to partner with Voyager for this entire school year and now we have Viking Fro-Yo Fridays! Menchie's will donate 20% of every order to Voyager and the PTO.
. ![Macintosh HD:Users:gwenjohnson:Desktop:Voyager Academy Froyo Fridays[3400].pdf](
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 8 – Friday, Oct., 12, Fall Break! Enjoy!
Tuesday, Oct. 9 Cross Country at Oxford Prep
Monday, Oct. 15 Second quarter begins
Monday, Oct. 15 Open Gym at the middle school, 5:30 – 7:00
Monday, Oct. 15 Cross Country Tournament
Tuesday, Oct. 16 Author visit for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders
Tuesday, Oct. 16 ACT Time (Advancing Character Together)
Thursday, Oct. 18 4th grade to the mountains
Thursday, Oct. 18 Title 1 meeting at ES, 2:45
Thursday, Oct. 18 College Day – wear favorite college tshirt
Friday, Oct. 19 Open Gym at the middle school, 5:30-7:00
Friday, Oct. 19 School Spirit Day – wear your Voyager shirt
Friday, Oct. 19 Title 1 meeting at ES, 7:30
Friday, Oct. 19 Report Cards go home!
Friday, Oct. 19 Boys’ Basketball Interest Meeting during lunch
Friday, Oct. 19 Voyager’s Night at Menchini’s
If you have questions, please ask! You may always email me at ( or call me!
Gwen Johnson
Middle School Principal