Voyager Academy Elementary School News, Nov. 6, 2020

Hello Voyager Academy Elementary Families.  We hope you have had a wonderful week of learning and exploration.  Listed below are some important updates for you and your family for the week of November 9-13:

NOVEMBER 11 IS VETERAN’S DAY:  Wednesday, November 11 is Veteran’s Day.  VAES is closed for all students and staff members as we honor all Veterans. 

MASK PRACTICE:  As we begin to prepare for returning to in-person instruction in January, I would like to encourage you to begin having your child practice wearing their face mask for long periods of time.  All students and staff will be required to wear a face mask at all times (except for a period of time during lunch) when we return to in person instruction.  It would be very helpful if you would begin having your child wear their face mask during morning meetings or for a one to two hour period during the school day as we prepare them for the transition.

PROMOTIONAL VIDEO:  Voyager Academy is working on a NEW promotional video and we need your help.  If you would like to create a 30 to 60 second video shout out (parent or student) telling what you love about Voyager Academy, we would appreciate that.  The promotional team will select a few of the video clips to insert into our new promotional material.  So, what do you do?  Begin thinking about the cool things you will say about Voyager and be looking for a detailed email that will give you step by step directions on how to record and download your video clip.    

REPORT CARDS:  Voyager Academy Elementary will be sending out our first report cards on November 9!  Can you believe it?  We are so proud of our students and how hard they have worked.  Thank you Vikings!  Thank you Parents!  Thank you Teachers!

KINDNESS MONTH AT VAES:  Voyager Academy Elementary School understands the importance of integrity, hard work, acceptance, and kindness.   World Kindness Day is  Friday, November 13th and Voyager Academy will be celebrating this amazing character trait all month long.  Will you join us?  The elementary school will host its November K-3 Virtual Assembly on November 20th as we highlight KINDNESS!

Kindness Celebration Assembly-November 20th 

Theme for the Virtual Assembly: Have you Filled a Bucket Today?

We are going to be bucket fillers for the month of November.  Will you help your child look for opportunities to promote KINDNESS?

PARENT ENRICHMENT NIGHT:  Parent Enrichment - November 12th @ 6 p.m.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 927 3117 2692

Passcode: DQ6ThR

Incorporating Mindfulness Into Daily Life

Lisa Wickham is a Registered Nurse, Mindfulness Instructor, and Certified Hypnotherapist, who specializes in the practices of mindful awareness, self-compassion, and authentic kindness. Her programs and unique style of teaching invites others to explore and benefit from these life-altering skills.  Lisa has had extensive formal training in mindfulness through Duke Integrative Medicine. She brings this training forth – combined with her nursing background and skills – to educate others on how to invite happiness, joy, ease, health, and well-being into their lives.  As a mother of two adult children, Lisa is particularly fond of teaching mindfulness to parents. She believes that teaching our children emotional literacy and solid coping skills is essential and among the greatest gifts we can provide as parents.  Lisa’s expertise, and engaging, experiential teaching style, allows participants to gain practical, ready-to- use techniques to calm the nervous system, settle the mind, and ease emotional reactivity – life skills for the 21st century! 


Timeline of Community Communications on Hybrid Reopening Plan in January

Parent, Student Staff Survey - Feedback on Remote Learning Schedule and Return to Learning Hybrid plan

November 6, 2020 

Remote Learning and Hybrid Schedules Drafted

November 9, 2020

School Operations and Procedures Manuals Drafted

November 9, 2020

Reopening Task Force Meeting

November 16, 2020

Town Halls- Review survey results and operations and procedures for return to hybrid learning.  A link will be sent to all parents to attend this Town Hall session.

ES-December 2, 2020- 5 PM


Click on the links below to allow your student to practice grade level specific skills.  

Letter Game for Kindergarten

First Grade Vowel Game

Second Grade Sentence Game

Third Grade Array Game