Dear VAES Families,
We have had a busy and fun week at VAES!! I know we all enjoyed the snow, but it has been nice to get back into the school routine!
Don’t forget that we will have College Day every Thursday and Voyager Day every Friday. All staff, students, and parents can wear their favorite college apparel on Thursdays and Voyager apparel and/or our school colors (red, white, and blue) to show school spirit and pride on Fridays!!
Also, we have been displaying the notes for our staff on our “Only One You-You Can Make a Difference” bulletin board in the first grade hallway across from the science room. I’ve enjoyed reading the kind thoughts and messages posted. Due to the snow, we are extending the message writing for the current highlighted staff until Monday, January 29. We have blank note cards in a folder attached to the bulletin board. If you want to write a kind message, please come and take a note card from the bulletin board.
“Only One You-You Can Make a Difference” Highlighted Staff from January 29 – February 9:
Evan Menchini, K – 12 IT Director
Angie Oakley, K TA
Jessica Williams, K TA
Katie Ellis, 1st Grade Teacher
Chelsea Bartolomeo, 2nd Grade Teacher
Kerri Owens, 2nd Grade Teacher
Lauren Ayer, 3rd Grade Teacher
Highlighted Staff from January 15 – January 29 (we are extending this until Mon. due to the snow):
Wendy Ferrara, Speech
Katie Green, K Teacher
Emily Wilder, K TA
Tia Boney, Afterschool & Enrichment Director
Lauren Lane, 2nd Grade Teacher
Kristin Sawyer, 2nd Grade Teacher
Catherine Quick, 3rd Grade Teacher
Leslie Paynter
VAES Principal
Please remember that we will follow the DPS inclement weather advisories including delays, closures, and early dismissals. So, if DPS is closed, we will be closed. If DPS has a two hour delay, we will have a two hour delay. If DPS, has an early release due to inclement weather, we will dismiss early too. If you see that DPS is closed, delayed, or releasing early and you have not seen something for Voyager, know that we will be doing the same thing as DPS. We will post these on our website, alert the local TV stations, send a school connects message, and we will also send a REMIND text, as soon as we can.
Jan. 17 - Feb. 12
(extended due to the 3 days of snow)
K - 3 mClass MOY
Feb. 1
Jump Rope for Heart Assembly @ 2:00 PM
Feb. 7
VAES Tour K – 3 @ 8:30
Feb. 7 - 14
Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 12 –
Feb. 16
PTO Teacher Appreciation Week
Feb. 15
K & 1st Grade Project Celebration @ 5:30 PM
Feb. 16
3rd Grade Project Celebration @ 11:00 AM & 2nd Grade @ 1:00 PM
Feb. 16
PTO Family Dance
Feb. 19
Required Teacher Workday/Inclement Weather Make-up Day
Feb. 20 - 23
1st – 3rd Grade Case 21 2nd Math Benchmark Assessment
Feb. 23
End of 2nd Trimester
Mar. 5
2nd Trimester Report cards to go home
Mar. 8
K – 12 Voyager Lottery-5:00 PM @ MS Gym
Mar. 12 & 13
Required Teacher Workdays/Inclement Weather Make-up Days
Mar. 14
VAES Tour for K – 3 Admitted Students @ 11:15 AM
Dear VAES Families,
We have had a busy and fun week at VAES!! I know we all enjoyed the snow, but it has been nice to get back into the school routine!
Don’t forget that we will have College Day every Thursday and Voyager Day every Friday. All staff, students, and parents can wear their favorite college apparel on Thursdays and Voyager apparel and/or our school colors (red, white, and blue) to show school spirit and pride on Fridays!!
Also, we have been displaying the notes for our staff on our “Only One You-You Can Make a Difference” bulletin board in the first grade hallway across from the science room. I’ve enjoyed reading the kind thoughts and messages posted. Due to the snow, we are extending the message writing for the current highlighted staff until Monday, January 29. We have blank note cards in a folder attached to the bulletin board. If you want to write a kind message, please come and take a note card from the bulletin board.
“Only One You-You Can Make a Difference” Highlighted Staff from January 29 – February 9:
Evan Menchini, K – 12 IT Director
Angie Oakley, K TA
Jessica Williams, K TA
Katie Ellis, 1st Grade Teacher
Chelsea Bartolomeo, 2nd Grade Teacher
Kerri Owens, 2nd Grade Teacher
Lauren Ayer, 3rd Grade Teacher
Highlighted Staff from January 15 – January 29 (we are extending this until Mon. due to the snow):
Wendy Ferrara, Speech
Katie Green, K Teacher
Emily Wilder, K TA
Tia Boney, Afterschool & Enrichment Director
Lauren Lane, 2nd Grade Teacher
Kristin Sawyer, 2nd Grade Teacher
Catherine Quick, 3rd Grade Teacher
Leslie Paynter
VAES Principal
Please remember that we will follow the DPS inclement weather advisories including delays, closures, and early dismissals. So, if DPS is closed, we will be closed. If DPS has a two hour delay, we will have a two hour delay. If DPS, has an early release due to inclement weather, we will dismiss early too. If you see that DPS is closed, delayed, or releasing early and you have not seen something for Voyager, know that we will be doing the same thing as DPS. We will post these on our website, alert the local TV stations, send a school connects message, and we will also send a REMIND text, as soon as we can.
Jan. 17 - Feb. 12
(extended due to the 3 days of snow)
K - 3 mClass MOY
Feb. 1
Jump Rope for Heart Assembly @ 2:00 PM
Feb. 7
VAES Tour K – 3 @ 8:30
Feb. 7 - 14
Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 12 – Feb. 16
PTO Teacher Appreciation Week
Feb. 15
K & 1st Grade Project Celebration @ 5:30 PM
Feb. 16
Feb. 19
Required Teacher Workday/Inclement Weather Make-up Day
Feb. 20 - 23
1st – 3rd Grade Case 21 2nd Math Benchmark Assessment
Feb. 23
End of 2nd Trimester
Mar. 5
2nd Trimester Report cards to go home
Mar. 8
K – 12 Voyager Lottery-5:00 PM @ MS Gym
Mar. 12 & 13
Required Teacher Workdays/Inclement Weather Make-up Days
Mar. 14
VAES Tour for K – 3 Admitted Students @ 11:15 AM