Dear VAMS Families,
Wow, what a cold and rainy ending to a wonderful week! Students have been busy working on projects, going on field trips, and completing NC Check-Ins, our new assessments. The feedback from the students regarding NC Check Ins - “not as long”, “print is larger”, “not as many passages”, and “the math was easier than the reading”. We should receive our reports next week or early the following week. Individual reports will be sent home and teachers will use their data to create MTSS groups.
Congrats Mr. Price
We are excited that Mr. Price is Voyager Academy’s Teacher of the Year. Mr. Price had a couple of assignments – he had to compile a portfolio and interview with a team from DPI (Department of Public Instruction). We were thrilled to learn that Mr. Price has moved to the next level in the competition. Go, Mr. Price, Go!!!!!!!
UNC Students Working with our 4th Graders!!!!
Fall Pictures
October 29 is the make-up day for Fall Pictures.
PTO Lunch
We have a PTO lunch scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 30. We are always so appreciative of our delicious lunches. Be on the lookout for the Sign-Up
Voyager’s Silent Auction
Thanks to all who attended the Silent Auction meeting on Thursday, Oct. 25. If you have questions, please email Mr. Eisenson at We appreciate all help! The Silent Auction is scheduled for Feb. 23 and will be held at Umstead Pines. Please put the date on your calendar!
News for Nate Rice
Hello parents-
If you have a child
interested in participating in a winter or spring sport, please make sure to
verify that the steps below are complete.
Obtain a physical and
return form to High School front desk, Attn: Mr. Harris and Mr. Rice.
Complete concussion form
and return to High School front desk.
Complete Online Forms and
add the sport(s) your child plans to participate in.
If your child participated
in a 2018 fall sport, please verify that the physical on file has not
expired (valid for one year from exam date) and add desired winter/spring
sport(s) to the online forms by editing your previous account. The concussion
form and online forms are valid for the entire 2018-19 school year.
All forms must be complete
and on file BEFORE your child can start tryouts or any sports activity.
Mr. Rice manages Middle School athletic forms along with AD
Deuce Harris.
Fall Play – Coming soon-----information about Fall Play and Spring Musical. Be on the look-out as we will share info very soon! You do not want to miss these shows!
Menchie's Frozen Yogurt has agreed to partner with Voyager for this entire school year and now we have Viking Fro-Yo Fridays! Menchie's will donate 20% of every order to Voyager and the PTO.
. ![Macintosh HD:Users:gwenjohnson:Desktop:Voyager Academy Froyo Fridays[3400].pdf](
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 29 Picture Make-up Day
Monday, Oct. 29 Basketball tryouts for girls, 4:00-6:00
Monday, Oct. 29 Basketball tryouts for boys, 6:00-8:00
Tuesday, Oct. 30 PTO Lunch
Tuesday, Oct. 30 Basketball tryouts for girls continued, 4:00-6:00
Tuesday, Oct. 30 Basketball tryouts for boys continued, 6:00-8:00
Wednesday, Oct. 31 Basketball tryouts for girls continued, 4:00-6:00
Wednesday, Oct. 31 Happy Halloween
Thursday, Nov. 1 Basketball practice – girls 4:00-6:00, boys 6:00-8:00
Thursday, Nov. 1 Wear your favorite college shirt!
Friday, Nov. 2 School Spirit Day – wear your Viking shirt!
Friday, Nov. 2 Basketball practice – girls 4:00-6:00, boys 6:00-8:00
Saturday, Nov. 3 Basketball practice – boys, time TBD
Please help support the NJHS in their service projects by purchasing a
COST: $18.00 (short sleeve)
$22.00 (long sleeve)
*Click on Form Builder
*Click on NJHS T-Shirt Fundraiser
ORDER DEADLINE: Friday, November 17, 2018
Items will be delivered to students prior to Winter Break.
If you have questions contact Ms. Green or Mrs. Weber.
If you have questions, please ask! You may always email me at ( or call me!
Gwen Johnson
Middle School Principal