I hope you are enjoying the cool mornings and warm afternoons. It’s beginning to look like fall.
Project Celebrations
A Big thanks to parents for coming to the first grade and third grade project celebrations. The students and teachers worked very hard to make the celebrations a success.
Fall Festival
Thanks to the PTO members, teachers, and parent volunteers for coordinating the Fall Festival. Big fun was had by all.
Book Fair
Dates: October 25th-November 1st.
During the Fall Festival please stop by the Book Fair. The book fair is held in the Hock House across from the elementary school parking lot.
Voyager Science Olympiad Elementary (K-5th) Competition Team
Does you student love science? The Voyager SO tournament team is a great opportunity to further their knowledge in science, technology, and engineering. Students in kindergarten through 5th grade are eligible. Registration is open now until Nov 6th! Click HERE to register. You’ll find more information about the program and links at the beginning of the registration form. We will have a Q&A open house Friday Nov 1st from 3:15 to 4:15pm in the Elementary science room. Please stop by any time in that hour if you have questions about the team or registration! You can also email questions to scienceolympiadteama@voyageracademy.net.
Report Cards
Look forward to receiving report cards on November 1st from your child’s classroom teacher.
School of Readers
In the near future, Voyager Elementary will have a fundraiser asking parents to contribute funds directly to the school in lieu of selling products. We hope to raise money to support each grade level in the area of reading. This will support our becoming a school of readers. Our second purchase will be an outside storage shed. We will share more specific information with you in the near future.
VAES Yearbook Ordering Information
Elementary School (K-3) Yearbooks are now on sale and can only be ordered online this year. You can order your copy online at www.strawbridge.net. Yearbooks are $23.00 each and must be ordered by March 16, 2020. After this date, there will be a price increase for additional book orders. Visit www.strawbridge.net, click on "Order Pictures and Yearbooks", then enter our school code YB110322 for the Elementary Yearbook and proceed to place your order. Please contact Leslie Jewell (ljewell@voyageracademy.net) if you have any questions. Don't miss out -- Order today!!
Please Donate!
Physical Education teachers need 5 gallon buckets for their drumming projects. These are sold at Lowe’s and Home Depot for around $4.00 each. They need a class set.
Hello VAES Families! My name is Kristin Sawyer. I am the music teacher at VAES. I am writing to inform you that the VAES special's team has been doing a project with all K-3 students! The project is called "Rhythms and Patterns Around The World". Students have been learning songs and dances from other cultures, creating artwork with patterns from other cultures, building lego instruments to play rhythms, and learning about how sound works and how our bodies are able to move in order to create rhythms and patterns. Students will be showing what they have learned at our K-3 program on December 6th. The program will be held in the High School gym at 1:15pm. Please save the date! I need help from you to get a video ready for the program. One of the songs that we will be singing says "I can change the world". I would love to have families record their child saying this in a language other than English. If your family speaks another language and you would like for your child to be included in the video shown at the program, please record a short video clip of them saying " I can change the world" in another language. It is best if you use your phone or ipad and email it to me ksawyer@voyageracademy.net! Remember if you are emailing me a video clip you are giving permission for it to be shown at the program on December 6th. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you!
Please help show choir by donating shoes at each school site
Dates to Place on Your Calendar:
October 31: K Project Celebration at 1:00.
November 7: 2nd grade Project Celebration
November 11: Veterans Day Holiday (No school for students)
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday (No school for students)
Enjoy the pictures from third and first grades’ project celebration on the following pages. For those who could join us, we thank you for your time and support.
Third Grade Project Celebration
First Grade Project Celebration