In this issue...
- Final Exam Schedule
- 2022 Graduation Information
- Parents: How to Stay Up-To-The Minute On Your Child’s Grades and Performance in Class
- Scholarship Search Websites
- Check out the VAHS Counselor’s Blog (and subscribe)
- What to Do If You Are Not Receiving Group Emails From Voyager Academy
- Sign up to receive text messages from the school.
- Subscribe to the “21-22 VA Parent Calendar” (google calendar)
- Other great sources of information for and about VAHS.
- Important dates.
- 2 Important COVID Announcements
Final Exam Schedule
Final exams begin on Wed. May 18. Please click here for the Spring 2022 Final Exam Schedule
Good luck to all!!
2022 Graduation and Ticket Information
Congratulations to the Voyager Academy class of 2022! Graduation will be at the Carolina Theatre on May 26, at 5:00. Senior parents/guardians, have received an email with all graduation details, including ticket information.
Please click here for important graduation information.
A Senior Trip to Carowinds
A group of thoughtful VAHS parents are planning a day trip for VAHS seniors to Carowinds amusement park. This is not a Voyager sponsored, nor affiliated trip. If you are interested in joining the group, here is the information you need:
Sign up for the trip here http://evite.me/sPNQfw85kN
If you have questions, please send your email, tkpenn@aol.com.
Parents: How to Stay Up-To-The Minute On Your Child’s Grades and Performance
Parents–just a reminder on how you can stay informed (“up-to-the-minute”) with your child’s VAHS classes and performance. You may login as an “Observer” on your VAHS student’s Canvas account. You can check grades and assignments any time and receive automatic alerts and notifications. Click on the link below for instructions.
VAHS Canvas – Voyager Academy
Scholarship Search Websites
VAHS Counseling Department Blog
Please be sure to check the VAHS Counseling Department blog frequently. The blog provides news, information, and opportunities for VAHS students and parents all in one convenient location. Topics range from Career/College Counseling and Application Support to Summer Programs and Opportunities. Check it out!
What to Do If You Are Not Receiving Group Emails From Voyager Academy
Please click here if you are not receiving group emails from Voyager Academy. This is a form, on which you can provide us your email address.
PARENTS and STUDENTS: Sign up to receive text messages from VAHS
Even though you may have been subscribed from last year, all must re-subscribe. This is because some cell phone numbers may no longer belong to last year’s subscribers (as people may change numbers or mobile providers). Click below for subscription instructions, sorted by student’s graduation year.
Texting from your cell phone…
For parents of class of 2022:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahsp22
For parents of class of 2023:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahsp23
For parents of class of 2024:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @df2ah6
For parents of class of 2025:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahsp25
Texting from your cell phone…
For the class of 2022:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss22
For the class of 2023:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss23
For the class of 2024:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss24
For the class of 2025:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss25
Subscribe to the 21-22 VA Parent Calendar You can view this calendar in two ways:
1. You can subscribe to the 21-22 VA Parent Calendar, so that it merges with yours. Here are the instructions: -Go to your google calendar -Go to Settings, the little gear in the upper right corner----->  In Settings: -Add calendar -Subscribe to calendar -In the “Add Calendar” field, paste the following: c_rf81ppekino4980nbie6tkvggs@group.calendar.google.com
2. You can simply view it on our website, by going to https://www.voyageracademy.net/calendar/.
You can also add it from there, by clicking on the “+” sign at the bottom right of the calendar.. |
Voyager Academy Academic Calendar
The Voyager Academy High School Website
The VAHS Counselor’s Blog
Important Dates
Dates | Events |
May 18-25 | Final Exams |
May 26 | Graduation Location: Carolina Theatre Time: 5:00-6:00pm |
August 9 | First day of school 2022-23 |
Voyager Academy Masking Policy Change Voyager Academy has adopted a mask-optional policy effective March 7, 2022. In general, students, staff, and visitors will be permitted to decide whether or not to wear a mask. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, even in this mask optional setting, masks will be required for individuals at the discretion of the Managing Director in the following circumstances: To be in accordance with guidance from the Strong Schools Toolkit, NCHHS, Durham County Public Health Department, and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) Where an individual tests positive for COVID-19 Where an individual has symptoms of COVID-19 Where an individual has experienced a potential exposure to COVID-19 To be in accordance with state or federal law, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act and Amendments.
For the safety of others, when a mask is required, the school requires a two-layer cloth face mask or medical mask. Masks must cover the nose, mouth, and chin. Mesh masks, bandanas, neck gaiters, and face shields are not an acceptable face mask covering and are never permitted. There are many reasons why an individual may or may not mask. All employees are expected to be supportive of their co-workers' choices with respect to masking. And, all parents/students/guardians are expected to be supportive of staff and students with respect to their choices. Any staff member who violates this policy will be subject to discipline. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to discipline under the Schools Code of Conduct. Any parent/guardian who violates this policy will be contacted by the Principal or Managing Director.
Allergy Season and COVID-19 Protocols It's officially "that" time of year….ALLERGY SEASON! We realize that many students and families experience symptoms of seasonal allergies. And unfortunately, many allergy symptoms can look like COVID-19 symptoms, and vice versa. As Voyager moves into a phase of less restrictive COVID-19 measures, testing remains a powerful and valuable tool that helps prevent the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 and keeps our students, teachers, and community safe and able to continue in-person learning. We ask that parents continue to practice an abundance of caution and follow the testing requirements for their children if they are experiencing any symptoms or have had a recent, known exposure to COVID-19.
Below are a few reminders as we head into allergy season. The Durham Department of Health guides our sick child/symptomatic individual protocols. Please note that Voyager Academy teachers, front office staff, or school nurse CANNOT diagnose allergies nor excuse a student that is currently experiencing any of the symptoms listed below from following the Sick Child Policy due to an assumption of seasonal allergies. NCDHHS and Durham Health STILL require a PCR COVID test for any student with symptoms on the list below. Even as other COVID protocols have changed, this policy has not changed. Negative at home rapid tests are not sufficient to clear a student to return to school at this point in time. While they are an informative tool, a student with symptoms needs a PCR test (with a negative result) in order to return to school prior to 5 days.
If a student is experiencing any symptoms listed below and a parent/caregiver feels that the symptoms are due to seasonal allergies, they have THREE OPTIONS. The student can either: get a PCR COVID test with a negative result, OR obtain a note from the doctor excusing the student from testing due to allergies, OR stay home for 5 days following the onset of symptoms and they may return after the 5th day and will need to wear a mask indoors and outdoors for the next 5 days.
If your child takes daily, over the counter medication for management of their seasonal allergy symptoms, now is a great time to speak with their pediatrician about starting that. For questions about medication management of seasonal allergies, please reach out to your child’s pediatrician.
Below is the list of possible COVID symptoms as defined by the CDC and NCDHHS: temperature above 100.4F or chills cough headache sore throat congestion or runny nose fatigue, muscle or body aches nausea or vomiting diarrhea shortness of breath or difficulty breathing new loss of taste or smell