Viking Weekly News

Dear Voyager Community,

It’s hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving. As I reflect today, I am reminded about how blessed I am personally and professionally. I am very grateful to have the honor of serving as the Managing Director of our incredible school community. In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to share some of the things that make me thankful for our Voyager community. 

I am thankful for…

  • each of your children who are gifts that you entrust to the Voyager team to guide, educate, and nurture

  • the student effort and energy I see in our classrooms

  • the smiles and laughter on the field that I can hear from my office

  • our teachers and staff for their dedication, creativity, and passion

  • the joy I see when children pick out their library books and for our librarians

  • our school leadership team for their collaboration, confidence, and integrity

  • our student leaders that serve as role models and spearhead community service projects

  • the student athletes who demonstrate teamwork, grit, and resilience and are fun to watch

  • our front office staff that greet our students, staff, and families while juggling many projects

  • our school nurse for caring for all students and staff with kindness and expertise

  • our PTSO that support a strong sense of belonging and community for all

  • our chorus groups, musicians, Viking Troopers, and performers for their creativity and the joy they share with all of us

  • the artists among our school that create beautiful artwork that brightens our buildings

  • all parent volunteers that support our teachers and nourish our staff

  • the care of our facilities to ensure we have a safe, well-maintained, beautiful learning environment

  • our student support team that partner with students, parents, and staff to meet needs

  • technology support for the new equipment we have added to support our classrooms

  • the notes of support and appreciation from students, parents, and staff

  • our School Board volunteers who provide strategic direction and support for our school

  • our partners that assist with school operations

  • our Foundation Board that helps us with capital improvement projects for the future

  • our before and after care team that provide enriching activities that extend the school day

  • community partners that provide opportunities and service learning for our students

  • our substitutes that help us through the day when our teachers are out sick

  • little surprises that brighten my day like the positive affirmation rocks sprinkled around campus by students and the gratefulness tree in the elementary school

  • all the big and little things that make me proud to be a Viking

  • and I’m so very thankful for my loving husband, children, and granddaughter who are the light of my life.

I am thankful for your family, thankful for our team, and grateful to be part of a joy-filled and caring school community. Please remember that we are all here to support your child grow, learn, and find their passion.  Feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher, building administrator, or student support if we can assist your family in any way. Check out the upcoming events and all the updates below from our School Nurse, Student Support Team, Operations Manager, and Athletic Director below.

Please remember that Monday is a remote learning day and school will reopen on November 28th after the Thanksgiving break.  I hope you all enjoy the long holiday break spending time with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving! 

All the best,


Morgan's Message Club hosted Duke Baseball Coach Chris Pollard! Chris Pollard talked in depth about mental preparedness, the student's loved it.



Upcoming Dates:


11/17 - 12/14 Toy Drive for Durham Rescue Mission

11/18 - Elementary Family Walking Challenge

11/18 - 7th Grade Field Trip to Poe Center in Raleigh

11/18 - 4th Grade Pie Day, 12:30

11/21 – Remote Learning Day

11/29 – HS Exhibition Day 2-3:45 

11/30 - Elementary School Read In

12/1-12/2:  Viking Troupers presents Seussical

12/1 -   December to Remember Events, 7th grade

12/2 -   8th Grade Spanish Students to Las Palmas for lunch

12/2 - 7th and 8th Grade Winter Dance

12/2 - Special Olympics K-5 Bowling

12/5 - Parent Night

12/7 - 8th Grade Estuarian Trip

12/9 - 7th Grade Health and Wellness Expo/Project Celebration

12/13-12/21: H.S. final exams

12/20 - Fourth Grade Holiday Celebration, 12:00

12/20 - Holocaust Guest Speaker for 6th Grade 

12/21 - Early Release




Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act, make choices, and relate to others. Mental health is more than the absence of a mental illness—it’s essential to overall health and quality of life.  One way we can support mental health is through self-care.  Self-care is also important for kids! While your child likely does not deal with as much stress during a day at school as you do, self-care is still beneficial and important for them to practice. When you teach your child about self-care at a young age, it helps them learn to prioritize their mental and physical health, now and as they age. Self-care looks different for everyone.  It may take trial and error to discover what works best for you, your children, and your family as a whole.  Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact. 


Here are some tips to help get kids started with self-care:



Kids can often get lost watching episodes of their favorite TV show, playing video games, or consuming too much screen time. While technology is a huge part of the future and your child’s life, encourage them to nourish the mind and get away from the screen for a while. Buy toys that get your child to think, allow them to practice imaginative play, or work on crafts. These all can help them develop different skills and allow them to work things through in their minds. Take it a step further and have them practice yoga or something else that helps them get in touch with their inner selves with you. This is a great way to help them gain insight and awareness.



While talking to your toddler about emotions will be different than talking to a teenager about emotions, it is a great way to help children develop the right skills to identify and manage their emotions. When your child has a tantrum or is feeling sad, help them talk about their emotions and figure out ways to manage them.  By helping your child better understand their emotions, they can understand how to handle them now and as they transition into adulthood.



Exercise is a great self-care habit that is easy to teach your child.  Play soccer or basketball with them, bring them to the park, go on bike rides, go for long walks, do yoga, the list goes on and on. When you live an active lifestyle, you are more likely to be healthier mentally, physically, and emotionally. Help your children learn that being active can help them de-stress and feel better. 



Sometimes the best self-care practice is doing nothing.  Especially in the fast-paced lives we live as adults, sometimes all we need is a break and permission to do absolutely nothing. Allow for your children to also have some downtime, whether that means just cuddling with them on the couch for a few minutes, reading to them, or sitting outside and watching the clouds float by. Teach your child that it is okay to take some downtime and that it can be a way to help them slow down their busy lives when they become adults.



Spending time with loved ones is not only a great self-care act for adults, but also for children! Make it a habit of spending some quality time with your children every week and doing something fun. Get ice cream, play a silly game, try a new restaurant. Not only can it work as a self-care practice, but it can also help parents and children bond.


For other ideas for healthy practices for your mind, body, surroundings, and relationships, see the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Wellness Toolkits


Our CDC COVID-19 Community Level is: LOW

  • People may choose to wear a mask for any reason at any time. 

  • People with a positive test for COVID-19 MUST wear a mask for 10 days.

  • People with symptoms or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.

In Case You’re Interested… - Mrs. Farrish and Ms. Purdy are currently offering groups during the school day at the Middle School on the following topics: (a) Friendship; (b) Managing Feelings; and (c) Time Management. If you would like more information on these groups and/or to include your student in a future group, please feel free to contact either of these phenomenal school counselors! or 919-433-3301 X 206 or 919-433-3301 X 144


Parent Enrichment Night – Fall Seminar: WE HEARD YOU! Please join the Student Support Services Team on Monday, December 5th from 6p-7:40p for an exciting night filled with enriching topics that are meaningful to YOU! Participants will be able to choose TWO of the three available sessions to attend, in seminar format. We kindly ask that you sign-up in advance in order to help us plan for space, refreshments, and childcare. We are looking forward to this evening of enrichment and fellowship with you! For questions or support signing up, please contact Dr. Link at or 919-433-3301 X 146.

  1. Positive Parenting

  2. Supporting Students Academically from Home

  3. Promoting and Supporting Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

National American Indian Heritage Month: November is reserved for the celebration and recognition of the rich histories and diverse cultures of our nation’s first people! Check out the websites below for more information, activities, and fun facts:


Important Dates in November:

13th-19th – Transgender Awareness Week

14th-18th – American Education Week

14th-20th – National Apprenticeship Week

19th – Family Volunteer Day

           International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

           National Adoption Day

20th – Universal Children’s Day: Protect the rights and improve the welfare of children!

           Transgender Day of Remembrance

24th – Thanksgiving Day: Do you know the history of Thanksgiving?!

25th – Native American Heritage Day

29th – Giving Tuesday: A global day of generosity; “do something good” today!

Before and Aftercare Program

Just a quick reminder as November is winding down! December before and aftercare groups will be active starting November 20,2022. Before and aftercare payments are due on December 1,2022. If the payment is not received by December 5,2022 your child will be removed from the roster. 

School Lunch

  • Please make sure that your students Titan meal account has a sufficient balance to cover the meals ordered for the week. 

  • Milk flavors need to be selected at the time of order so that we can ensure your student receives the correct flavor they want. 


Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your break!