Dear Voyager Families,
There are many updates below for the care program. Please read in its entirety, and feel free to contact Latia Boney should you have any questions or concerns.
Lockdown drill during after school
In the wake of recent school shootings, the care program will have a lock down drill in efforts to prepare the staff and students for emergency situations that may arise during after school hours. The lockdown drill will take place Monday, March 5 at 2:20pm. We will have a fire drill on Tuesday, March 6, at 3:40pm. Please keep this times in mind if you plan to pick your student up early.
Spring Break Camp
Are you looking for a fun, innovative camp to send your child(ren) to during Spring Break? Don't hesitate to send them to Voyager! Our campsare full with math, science, and reading enrichment activities. Students even have the opportunity to be junior chefs during our cooking activity. This year, we will also enjoy a field trip to Palace Pointe in Roxboro, NC! I am also pleased to announce that we are providing hot lunch & snack as an option this year! (Yay) Visit our website to see complete details.
Please feel free to email, call, or text Latia Boney with any questions, as I am always happy to help!
Special price offerings for Voyager staff. Please contact Mrs. Boney for details.
Summer Camps
Summer Camps are also open for registration. We are offering a plethora of camps this summer. Please head over to our summer camp page and register your students while spots are still available!
Payment reminder for care program
March payments for the care program were due Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Payments not submitted by March 5, 2018 may be subject to late fees. Additionally, students who do not submit payment by March 5, are not permitted to return to the care program on March 6, 2017 until payment has been submitted, or an arrangement has been made with the program Director. Parents will be notified of their delinquent payment status. Instructions for making payment are attached to this message.
If you have already submitted payment for the month of March, please disregard this message. Program fees do not apply to Voyager staff.
Note: The full tuition amount is due regardless of the number of days the student attends each month. Tuition rates are not prorated for any reason.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The Care Program is hiring
We are looking for awesome, kid-loving team members to join the care program staff for the remainder of the 2017-18 school year and summer camp! If you know of anyone who is interested in applying, please feel free forward this email to them, and have them contact me. High school students are not eligible for employment during the school year. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions!
*All candidates for employment with Voyager Academy MUST pass a drug test and clear a background check.
*All candidates for employment with Voyager Academy MUST pass a drug test and clear a background check.