In this issue...
- September 24, Friday Is Parent-Teacher Conference Day--NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS
- Cap and Gown Orders Day Monday 9/20/21 at Lunch
- Make Up Date for Yearbook Pictures for All Grades is 10/4/21
- Financial Aid for College: FAFSA Day is Back This Year
Excellent STEM Opportunity: AI Fluency-An Artificial Intelligence Boot Camp for Teens and Young Adults
- Vikings Cross Country Making Strides
- Class of 2022 Individual Senior Meetings With The Counselor
- The PTO Needs Your Help in the Kitchen: The Hospitality Lunches Are Back!
- Check Out the New Student Lunch Bunch
- Teen Services (Book Clubs, Tutoring, Gaming…) at Durham Public Main Library
- VCF (Viking Christian Fellowship) meets Friday mornings from ~7:30-8:30 in D124
- High School Student Parking
- VAHS Safety Guidelines for Students and Staff
- Check out the VAHS Counselor’s Blog (and subscribe)
- What to if You Are Not Receiving Group Emails From Voyager Academy
- Sign up to receive text messages from the school.
- Subscribe to the “21-22 VA Parent Calendar” (google calendar)
- Other great sources of information for and about VAHS.
- Important dates.
September 24, Friday Is Parent-Teacher Conference Day--NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS
Just a reminder to all that Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Friday Sept. 24. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a conference
Cap and Gown Orders Day Monday 9/20/21 at Lunch
As described in the Senior Assembly on 9/13, the Herff Jones Company Reps will be back on campus Monday Sept. 20, during lunch to assist students with planning and placing orders. Product samples will be on display as well as items from the 1 Stop package for pick up. Please go through the packet of forms provided to decide on your order.
Make Up Date for Yearbook Pictures for All Grades is 10/4/21
On October 4th, Strawbridge will be at the high school for yearbook make up pictures. This includes the senior tux and drape pictures as well as make ups for grades 9-11. Any high school student who missed pictures the first go round, should plan to attend the make ups.
Financial Aid for College: FAFSA Day is Back This Year (Oct. 23). It’s FREE!
On October 23, campuses across the state will be hosting parking lot drive-in sessions for students and their families who need help with the FAFSA. Below is a link for students to register. Be sure to check back, as every day campuses are signing on to host FAFSA Day events. You will find more information on http://CFNC.org/pay (click here) by early October.
Please complete and submit the form below to indicate your interest in receiving Financial Aid information or help in completing the FAFSA form on October 23, 2021 (FAFSA Day). This is a FREE service; there is no fee or service charge.
You may ask for and receive FAFSA help or Financial Aid help from any college, whether or not you plan to attend that particular school.
FAFSA Day Form:
Excellent STEM Opportunity: AI Fluency--an Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp for Teens & Young Adults
This bootcamp for Teens & Young Adults is taught exclusively by MIT, Stanford, Harvard and Oxford PhDs, students and alumni.
Applications close on Friday Sept. 24
The online remote bootcamp has no mandatory homework, and will guide you from little or no coding experience to Artificial Intelligence fluency. This will make students stand-out in college admissions and future jobs.
Voyager Academy students will receive a partial scholarship! The code is VOYAGERACADEMY_SCHOLARSHIP. This scholarship brings the price down significantly, from $1280 to only 592.(50% discount).
Click here for more details and how to apply.
Vikings Cross Country Making Strides
Vikings Cross Country team continues to make gains in the conference with their second meet of the season at Mayo Lake course hosted by Roxboro. Top 4 on the boys team, Karl Davis, Parker Hinshaw and Glen Stiles improved their times by 1 second. The boys took 1st place overall. On the girls side, 4th and 5th place overall Olivia Person and Eloise Leonard also improved on this challenging multi-terrain trail. While meet winner Liz Laylor is off to a winning streak for the conference. The girls team took 2nd overall. Great job to all the athletes for rocking it in week two!
Class of 2022 Individual Senior Meetings With The Counselor
Congratulations to the VAHS class of 2022! Senior Planning Meetings are well under way, and all seniors are encouraged to sign up to meet with Ms. O'Kane to plan for graduation and post high school plans. Seniors can use the link below or contact Ms. O'Kane to arrange a meeting. Seniors should also be sure to keep checking the VAHS Counseling Blog and their email for updates and important news.
The PTO Needs Your Help in the Kitchen: The Hospitality Lunches Are Back!
The PTO is bringing back our hospitality lunches! Our first one is scheduled for 9/20! Ricci McKenna is the Chair of our Hospitality Committee at the high school.
Info here:
Please sign up and if you want to volunteer to help with this committee let us know! You can reach us at pto@voyageracademy.net.
Check out the New Student Lunch Bunch
Calling all new students to VAHS!
Please join us every Wednesday during lunch in B118 to get connected with other students and have some fun. This is a chance to make new friends and learn everything that you need to know about VAHS. There are a lot of new students, and we want to welcome you and get to know you!
(Click here for printable version)
Teen Services at Durham Public Main Library
Book Clubs, Tutoring, a Gaming Center, and more are all available for teens. The Durham County Main Library is now open and everyone is welcome to come visit! Below
are some of our programs and services. Don't miss the Young Adult Career Expo in October! (see VAHS Counselor Ms. O’Kane for more info.)
(Click here for printable version)
VCF (Viking Christian Fellowship) meets Friday mornings from ~7:30-8:30 in D124
Viking Christian Fellowship (VCF) meets Friday mornings before school from 7:30-8:30am in room D124 (Mrs. Paradis's room). All are welcome!
High School Student Parking
Student Parking is now available for students who drive to school. Thank you for your patience as we set it up.
Here is what you need to do in order to have a parking permit
Additional Information:
-All students should begin to park in their assigned spot on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021.
-Student Parking will be assigned in the back parking lot.
-Students should bring their signed "Parking Rules and Regulations" form to the office and sign up for an assigned spot
-There is plenty of parking available.
-The student gates will be locked each school day from 9:00-2:00
VAHS Safety Guidelines for Students and Staff
It is important that students begin school each day with a mask that fits them properly. Please make sure your child has a mask that will stay over their nose. This is our number one safety feature.
When we returned in April of last year, we had specific directions for lunch. We will continue to reinforce the fact that students will have 14 minutes to eat lunch and then their masks will go back on. If students do not finish their lunch in that amount of time, we will have the students who need more time to sit at a table while the other students can talk as they will have on their mask.
Students will be asked to keep their masks on for outdoor lunch if and when they cannot be at least 6 feet apart.
Students need to continue to wash hands and use hand sanitizer when needed.
If students have any symptoms of sickness, the student should remain home until they have no symptoms. Please do not send a child to school if he or she has a fever.
Our school nurse and managing director are keeping a very close eye on the ever changing safety guidelines for schools. We will keep you updated as information is shared with us.
If we have a student who tests positive for Covid, that student will be asked to isolate for 10 days before returning to school. Voyager will send out a health email that tells families we had a positive case within our school community. Positive cases are reported to the health department. Students who are exposed to a positive Covid individual within their home, should report that to the building principal as soon as possible. That student will be asked to quarantine based on the most recent guidelines. All cases will be followed by the school nurse. If a student begins to show any Covid symptoms then that student would need to quarantine. Thank you for working with us as we seek to keep every student and every staff member as safe as possible. I understand we may not like the various guidelines, but I think we can all agree we need to do everything possible to keep our Voyager family healthy.
VAHS Counseling Department Blog
Please be sure to check the VAHS Counseling Department blog frequently. The blog provides news, information, and opportunities for VAHS students and parents all in one convenient location. Topics range from Career/College Counseling and Application Support to Summer Programs and Opportunities. Check it out!
What to if You Are Not Receiving Group Emails From Voyager Academy
Please click here if you are not receiving group emails from Voyager Academy. This is a form, on which you can provide us your email address.
PARENTS and STUDENTS: Sign up to receive text messages from VAHS
Even though you may have been subscribed from last year, all must re-subscribe. This is because some cell phone numbers may no longer belong to last year’s subscribers (as people may change numbers or mobile providers). Click below for subscription instructions, sorted by student’s graduation year.
Texting from your cell phone…
For parents of class of 2022:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahsp22
For parents of class of 2023:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahsp23
For parents of class of 2024:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @df2ah6
For parents of class of 2025:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahsp25
Texting from your cell phone…
For the class of 2022:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss22
For the class of 2023:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss23
For the class of 2024:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss24
For the class of 2025:
In the “To” section of the text, please type 81010 and in the message section please type @vahss25
Subscribe to the 21-22 VA Parent Calendar
You can view this calendar in two ways:
1. You can subscribe to the 21-22 VA Parent Calendar, so that it merges with yours. Here are the instructions:
Go to your google calendar
Go to settings, the little gear in the upper right corner----->
Add calendar
Subscribe to calendar
In the “Add Calendar” field, paste the following:
2. You can simply view it on our website, by going to https://www.voyageracademy.net/calendar/.
You can also add it from there, by clicking on the “+” sign at the bottom right of the calendar..
Voyager Academy Academic Calendar
The Voyager Academy High School Website